Its that time of year again where gardeners of all types are restless to starting planting. Even though the weather might not agree, it is a great time to get things started for your Spring garden.
Here are a few things you can do to get prepared for your spring;
1. Start sowing seeds. Tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, lettuce and spinach are perfect to start indoors and transplant once it gets warmer. Make sure seedlings are moist and have as much sunlight as possible. You can spray OceanSolution PURE on seedlings for faster growth.
2. Get your soil ready! You can test your soil with an easy to use soil kit. We suggest tilling in OceanSolution PURE about a foot deep. You can also add compost for even more nutrients! Make sure to break up any chunks of dirt you see.
3. WEEDS! Now is a great time to get out there and weed its also not as hot so there is a plus!
4. Get those garden tools and supplies ready. Now is the perfect time to check your garden supplies. You can clean, oil or replace your tools and wash out all pots you plan on using.
5. Plan your garden. While your seeds are sowing take this time to plan where you will plant. Companion planting is a great way to keep pest, disease and nutrient stealing at bay. Tomatoes and cabbage are great companions as well as lettuce and tall flowers.
6. Enjoy your organic garden!