After experiencing a life-changing event through a focus on consuming nutritious food, John Hartman, used his natural curiosity and his engineering expertise to develop the proprietary processes that we now use to manufacture OceanGrown solutions. John’s 30 years of engineering application experience have extended from complex weapons systems to factory automation projects in the aerospace industry. These have included a number of robotic processes including synthetic vision systems. His clients have included Boeing, IBM, Lockheed Missiles and Space, Martin-Marietta, Bell Helicopter, Sikorsky Aircraft, Pratt & Whitney, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Dexter Nonwovens (now Ahlstrom), and Fokker Aircraft. Since 2006, John has been working with growers helping them become more profitable through growing larger and more nutritious crops.